Transcribe Anywhere Review: Is This Course Legit or Scam?


Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

Transcribe Anywhere Review: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

The work-at-home trend is gaining traction, and there are plenty of online courses available to meet the demand. You’ve probably come across Transcribe Anywhere and other courses. We’ll take a closer look at this program to see if it’s a genuine opportunity or a rip-off.

With this review, you’ll be able to go deeper into every piece of critical information you’ll need to know before purchasing the course. We’ll specifically assist you in determining whether transcribing is the correct internet business for you.

What is Transcribing?

Transcribing is the process of converting audio, song, or video into written text. This is accomplished by listening and then typing what you hear into a document. While this can be a simple task, many businesses and individuals are willing to pay you to convert their documents into written text. These people are known as transcribers, and typing quickly is not only required for this job, making such programs essential.

The equipment needed for transcribing is software, a laptop, high-quality headphones, and training.

Is There a Demand for Transcribing?

If you’re wondering whether these jobs are in demand, the answer is yes. As a result, if you learned and acquired the skills required for the job, you will have a plethora of opportunities. When aspiring to be a good transcriptionist, there are some qualities to consider. Some of these include your typing speed, precision, good listening skills, and the quality of your training.

Fortunately, Transcribe Anywhere can help you gain the confidence you need to become a faster and more accurate transcriptionist.

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

Quick Background on Transcribe Anywhere: What is Transcribe Anywhere it all about?

Janet Shaughnessy is an entrepreneur who founded Transcribe Anywhere, the only online course approved by the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers. This program aims to teach students the art of transcription while they are at home. The advantage of this course is that you can obtain a certificate once you have completed it.

This program, in particular, provides two in-depth courses: general and legal transcription. This can accommodate and qualify even complete newcomers, which is considered an advantage because Janet ensured that everyone who wants to succeed in the transcribing industry can have advanced, proficient, and sufficient skills.

Transcribe Anywhere Course Details: What Should You Expect?

This program is jam-packed with all the training you need to go from zero to a successful transcriptionist. That said, it takes hard work to learn the material and master the skills. The course layouts are super simple. It’s broken down into three main parts namely the modules, Facebook group, and support team.

For the learning sessions, both general and legal transcription courses provided their syllabus. General transcription covers a diverse range of content in industries such as education and film. Particularly, this will guide you to know:

* the fundamentals of transcribing, as well as the necessary equipment and general style, formatting, and jobs on Module 1;
* basic skills such as spelling, punctuation, and critical thinking on Module 2;
* shortcut keys, templates, and video time coding, as well as other time-saving tools on Module 3;
* over 60 practical exam files that include low-quality audios with multiple speakers, as well as audios coming from several accents on Module 4;
* how to start a transcription job, set your rates, and find clients on Module 5; and
* pass the final examination and get the certificate on the last session.

Meanwhile, as per the legal transcription course, provided below are the topics covered by the syllabus. This will help you be informed regarding the:

* necessary information about legal recording on Module 1;
* basic equipment and style for legal transcription on Module 2;
* over 80 pages quizzes on legal terminology both in English and Latin language on Module 3;
* use of Microsoft Word, as well as shortcut keys and notating transcripts on Module 4;
* practical exercises on transcribing legal correspondence on Module 5;
* processes and procedures in court that includes various kinds of law, case system, and anatomy of court transcript on Module 6;
* basic legal templates and forms on Module 7;
* practical exam on transcribing court proceedings on Module 8;
* practical exam on transcribing deposition files on Module 9;
* practical exam on transcribing law enforcement files on Module 10;
* practical exam on transcribing legal and conference association meeting on Module 11;
* time coding on Module 12;
* potential resources and final exam on Module 13; and
* finding a job for legal transcription on the last session.

Transcribe Anywhere has a Facebook group where all of their students and graduates can interact. There are currently over 3,900 members and the community is thriving. This is beneficial because anyone with a question receives prompt responses from the group members, and Janet and her administrative staff also appear to answer questions.

More importantly, they provided a support team that begs you to question them, particularly if you’re confused about the practical exams. They assure their students that they will receive feedback from them soon.

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

How Does Transcribe Anywhere Work?

No doubt leveraging the internet entails creating something once and profiting from it repeatedly, sometimes for years. To be honest, working in transcription provides no leverage because you are only paid once per minute of transcription. Janet, on the other hand, used referral programs to transform transcription jobs into a significant advantage. As a result, recommending the course to someone can earn you money.

Transcriptionists are typically paid per audio hour, which means that an hour of audio would require a few hours of transcribing. However, according to the online transcription company, the payment is divided into audio minutes or words transcribed. Transcribe Anywhere focuses on the business and marketing of your services, removing the need for you to rely on low-paying transcription sites.

How Much Does Transcribe Anywhere Cost?

The general transcription course costs $597 for lifetime access, while the legal transcription course costs $697. Both of these packages include unrestricted customer service. You can get a $1097 discount if you take both courses.

30-day access to Modules 1 and 2 costs up to $197 for general transcription, while 60-day access to Modules 1–4 costs up to $362. Both of these come with a limited number of support options. Furthermore, a 30-day access to Modules 1 to 4 costs up to $197, while 60-day access to Modules 1 to 9 costs up to $497, both with limited support options.

Who is Transcribe Anywhere For?

The course is designed for people whose working styles are best suited for transcriptionist work, such as those who are patient, can sit for long periods, are meticulous, and are fluent in English. However, because the syllabus caters to both novice and experienced transcriptionists, it is appropriate for anyone who wants to work from home and earn a living.

Does Transcribe Anywhere Come with Potential Jobs?

This is an important question to ask before investing in courses like these because knowing if it will be worthwhile implies that you will not be wasting your resources, time, and effort. So, if you’re wondering if you’ll be able to find work after completing Transcribe Anywhere’s courses, the answer is emphatical yes.

After completing the course, you will be in a much better position to find work as a transcriptionist. It will be easier for you to find clients now that you have a certification to your name. Because transcriptionists are in high demand in a variety of professions, this is a possibility. As a result, this course will help you find a transcription job and start your own business.

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

How Much Can You Earn From Transcribe Anywhere?

Transcribe Anywhere will train you to be an excellent transcriber, but they will not pay you. They will provide you with a list of websites where you can find clients as well as for instructions on how to bring in targeted clients through SEO, paid traffic, and social media to help you earn according to your preferred rates.

This means that your earnings will be determined by how much you learn, how well you listen and critically think, and how quickly you type. However, you can expect to earn between $20 and $25 per hour on average.

Transcribe Anywhere: Pros and Cons:

* Courses are reasonably priced.
* Certification of completion is provided.
* There is lifetime access to the Facebook group.
* Courses are open 24 hours a day.
* There’s no requirement for experience in transcribing.
* Modules are comprehensive and detailed.
* It teaches its student to market themselves.
* It builds confidence and skills.

Transcribe Anywhere Cons:

* Some may find the prices expensive.
* There’s no refund policy.
* It takes real effort and works before it pays off.

Transcribe Anywhere Alternatives

Transcribe Anywhere provides a good choice if you’re just starting out as a transcriber.

However, if you want to take it up one step and turn your transcription activity into a serious long term revenue for yourself instead of using it as a short term side hustle here is what I would recommend instead.

What am I talking about?

I am talking about finding my own clients to work for as a transcriptionist has brought me the most success and unquestionably the most money when I was starting out with my transcription activity a few years back.

This can apply to a wide range of persons and occupations, such as pastors, public speakers, podcasters, lawyers, medical professionals, writers, journalists, and research firms.

It takes effort to market yourself and attract clients, but once you do, working for yourself rather than as a subcontractor for someone else has a far better earning potential.

For instance, Rev or other related transcription companies that you can work for as a transcriptionist bills their clients $1 per minute for transcription services, and they split the revenue with their subcontractors. You would maintain that if you had your own clientele and charged them the same price.

You would retain the entire $1/minute to yourself if you had your own clientele and charged them the same price. I normally earn between $30 and $45, when I compute my hourly rate for transcription assignments. It has a wide range since, depending on the quality and substance, some audios take much longer to produce than others. I’ve raised my hourly rate by establishing strict requirements for the kinds of audio I allow and by adopting techniques to quicken my processing, including having a ton of autocorrects.

Just keep in mind that as a subcontractor, all you are responsible for is performing the task, however when you work for yourself, you are accountable for all business management parts of the operation.

As a subcontractor, all you really need to concentrate on is the transcription work itself.
LinkedIn, Facebook groups, and even Craigslist are a few locations to seek for your own clients; I discovered my greatest client there as well as a number of smaller one-off assignments. Like I do for my business, Q Transcription, you might wish to provide information about your services on your own website as well.

If this sounds completely daunting, there is a lesson on marketing and expanding your business in the Transcribe Anywhere course where I received my training.

Pro tip: Check out how I got motivated, inspired and got started  with my own freelance online business that led me to my transcription business. This will greatly help you determine if this path is a suitable fit for you.

Is Transcribe Anywhere A Scam or Legit? – Verdict

Transcribe Anywhere is legit, and the skills you’ll learn will be far superior and more marketable than those you will learn on the job. As it teaches you how to transcribe in any situation, this program increases the profitability and enjoyment of your transcription experience. This job is versatile and can be found in a variety of industries, including medical records, legal records, and classrooms.

Final Thoughts

Remember that starting small is acceptable as you get started. I started out as a subcontractor for a few major transcribing firms, and at first, I was overjoyed to make about $200+ a month. I was able to increase my income as I became faster and more proficient at working from home transcription gigs.

After a few months, I realized that my skills were more valuable and I began hunting for my own clients so I could bill more. I was quite busy with five to seven clients, and was no longer employed by any of the transcription services that paid out less when I first got started with transcriptions online.

That’s exactly why I got into transcription in the first place because I was looking for a side hustle that I was passionate enough to do and support my family at the same time while earning a respectable monthly income.

I quit the whole gig and even my own independent transcription business altogether because I wanted to build my business the right way thinking about my business more in a long term perspective.

You will unavoidably invest time, money, and effort into your online business so why not do it right from the get go?

If you’re going to do it, do it correctly and avoid using simple fixes or short term quick side hustle fixes.

Don’t cut corners on your web business’ operational components just because you fear it would cost you extra money to invest in the beginning or it might be a scary idea because you think it might be complicated and go over your head.

Avoid using the “easy button” approach because it is impossible to make money with the click of a button, despite what these “Easy Side Hustle” type of opportunities may claim.

So, doing transcription services or becoming your own independent transcription business simply works and it is possible to quickly earn $100 per day and even more with it.

The answer is that you can select this Easy Button Solution, however, if a more effective alternative exists,  but if there is a better, more efficient, and more effective way to earn $1,000 a day, why wouldn’t you choose a more durable, tried, and true, long-term solution that has a 100% success rate and has been used for years by the experts who have been creating successful internet businesses?

You would without a doubt, of course, because success leaves hints. So if your objective is to create a genuine online business that generates recurring monthly earnings, I strongly advise you to continue with the tried-and-true approach and never click the Easy Side Hustle Button.

An easy side hustle solution might initially work and you might make a few dollars here and there, but if you are searching for a steady long-term profit producing online business, make sure to associate with someone who has repeatedly developed successful online businesses.

Can You Make Money With Transcribe Anywhere? Here Are Your Paths To Go


Get Started With Transcribe Anywhere Today – Easy Side Hustle Solution that can make you quick money if you need it fast. You can always go with this first and earn some quick bucks and then go with option 2 later and then go for option 3 (tested and proven long terms passive monthly recurring income solution but takes a bit more effort on your part and this is why I started with option 1 first)


Learn how to be a freelancer and start your own independent Transcription Business online. This will make you very good money to support your family, but think about long term option 3 below so that you don’t stay stuck in transcription services forever because you can not scale from there other than becoming your own big transcription company and recruiting other transcribers.

If this is your thing go for it, but it is way too much work for the kind of money you will make in the end. Trust me because I have friends who do this and the whole company is dependent on them. They don’t go on vacation with their family. Your money is dependent on your work load and this is not a passive income path. If you don’t do the work you are out of money quickly.

Consider option 3 for retirement type of money that you can generate passively without actually having to do the tedious transcription work every single minute of your day in order to produce money.

Check out option 3 once you are satisfied with what you’ve earned with transcription to have enough money to support your new passive monthly recurring income system business that you will be building together with an expert in a done for you solution.

You have enough experience by now to transform into a long term serious online business that is making passive monthly recurring income that will change your life and lifestyle forever!

This is what the true Internet Lifestyle should look like because once you succeed with this type of online business you can truly call yourself Financially Independent!


If you want to build your online business the right way together with an expert who has done it successfully over and over again, click here to check out how you can partner with someone who knows what they are doing!

This solution requires a very low cost investment (I am talking Starbucks type of low investment:)). In my opinion this is the very best way to get started ASAP to make money online.

This option will save you so much effort, time, stress and trouble which will offset your tiny little investment in spades. It is a laughable comparison of how much you will gain from this solution as opposed to the ridiculous tiny monetary amount that you will have to spend on it.

Check it out right here! Thank me later:)


Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

Further Action Steps & Paths To Go From Here

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?

Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?


Further Reading About Transcribe Anywhere & Alternative Transcription Jobs & Opportunities

Things You Need To Know On How To Earn Money With TranscribeMe: Are Transcribeme Jobs Legit?

Transcribeme Payment, Transcribeme Demo & How I Made 20 In 1 Hour

Transcribeme Vs Transcribe Anywhere (Legitimate Transcription Companies for Beginners PDF Inside)

Transcribeme Review – Transcribeme Scam Or Legit? (Transcribeme Exposed!)


Transcribe Anywhere Reviews: Is This Course Legit or Scam?