Morning Sidekick Journal: Complete Guide Of How It Can Help You Boost Your Productivity Within 7 Days Or Less

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal: Complete Guide Of How It Helps Become Successful With Productivity In A Quick, Fast, Easy & Fun Way

In this guide I will show you what I’ve been doing with my Morning Sidekick Journal and how it can help you start your day right, too.

Morning Sidekick Journal

Introduction: What is the Morning Sidekick Journal?

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal is a journaling aid that helps set the tone for the day by writing down morning thoughts. It can help make better decisions, be more productive, and live a healthier lifestyle.

Morning Sidekick Journal is designed to be a companion journal that help get started and get it done. It’s designed to be simple and straightforward, with no clutter or unnecessary features to distract from the main goal of journaling.

There is no need for bells-and-whistles, just a journal that will help keep thoughts on track, on time.

Morning Sidekick Journal also provides a simple way to start the day right, with daily reminders and prompts that help focus on what’s important in life, get organized and plan the day.

– Starts as a short book

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal

– Reminders in the morning to keep a person focused on the most important tasks for that day
– Prompts throughout the day to help keep thoughts on track and plan the day
– Ability to set reminders for the future
– Pathways to let oneself visualize most important goals
– Track how much time one spends on activities
– Get organized with a private planner
– Dynamic Prompt Tracking

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal

How to Use The Morning Sidekick Journal to Get More Done in Less Time Step By Step

I’ve never been very good at making the most of the time I have in the morning.

In the morning, I normally get up around three quarters of an hour before it’s time for me to get started with my daily work on the computer at home, but I only need about half an hour to get ready. In the past, I would often spend the next hour or two mindlessly scrolling around social media apps on my phone or dozing off in bed.

So you can imagine my excitement when I came onto the Morning Sidekick Journal by accident. It is a day planner that will assist you in establishing a fruitful morning routine, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on all other facets of your life, so elevating the quality of your overall experience.

I contacted Habit Nest, the firm that was responsible for the journal, and they gladly provided me with a copy of the diary so that I could see if I could modify my morning routine in order to become more productive in general. The following is what happened next.

As I already mentioned in the section above The Morning Sidekick Journal is a daily journal that was created with the intention of assisting its readers in being more productive via the use of a morning routine. It starts by assisting the user in understanding why having a morning routine may make a positive difference in their life and what it takes to develop good habits.

Getting things done first thing in the morning is supposed to create a productive precedent for the rest of the day. The authors of Morning Sidekick Journal state that this is something that is already practiced by all of the most successful individuals in the world. The journal encourages you to adopt this way of thinking so that you might become one of those successful individuals.

It provides users with 66 days’ worth of notebook pages, on which they may chart their progress and gradually notice whatever improvements they make to their life. After waking up in the morning and again before going to sleep at night, you should glance at each page once, and it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to fill out the fields on each page.

Step 1

The first step is to make a note of the date as well as the exact time that you went to bed and when you got up. The next step is to identify the activity that will have the most impact on your day. This helps you to structure the rest of your morning (and day) around achieving this objective, and it also allows you to establish your objectives early on.

Step 2

Be committed to doing the journaling process every single day just like doing a daily ritual.

Step 3

In addition, before you start the remainder of your day, you make a list of the distractions that you want to reduce as much as possible before going to bed, such as surfing on your phone or watching television, and you assign a certain amount of time to each one. In the last step, you write down the times that you intend to go to bed and wake up the next morning.

Step 4

You put the diary away for the day and come back to it at night to record the most fantastic things that happened to you during the previous day. At last, you take a piece of paper and scribble down one item that may increase the quality of your life by 1% the following day, as well as the things that you want to incorporate in your morning routine the day after that.

Step 5

Apply recap periods to your journaling. These recap periods are included in the book to help you remain accountable. During the recap period you look over what you’ve learned, and see how far you’ve gone. Each day also contains a variety of various suggestions, bits of inspiration, and anecdotes about great individuals to keep you encouraged and achieving.

Morning Sidekick Journal Results Day By Day For Successful Productivity Broken into 3 Distinct Phases

Morning Sidekick Journal

Starting the Morning Sidekick Journal was the part that presented the most challenge. To begin, the concept of becoming a better version of myself was a bit overwhelming to me at first.

Second, since I was aware that I needed to catch up on some reading before I could begin, I procrastinated beginning the project. But there was no way for me to know that at the time; the book is attempting to argue against precisely that type of thinking.

Once I was really doing it, I realized that it wasn’t quite as terrifying as I had anticipated. I began by researching the significance of having a morning routine and figuring out why I need to have one. I concluded that I ought to have one so that I might feel better overall and reduce the amount of stress I experience in other aspects of my life.

When I started the notebook on day one, I didn’t have much of a morning ritual that could be considered significant. Instead, I focused on completing the most significant task related to my job for the day. I also made a commitment to myself to stop playing video games one hour before going to bed and to read a book only up until my bedtime, even though I frequently stay up later than that when I’m particularly engrossed in what I’m reading.

Morning Sidekick Journal Results Day 1 to Day 7 (Phase 1)

Morning Sidekick Journal

That evening, I recorded in my journal the first of my miraculous experiences. In general, this was one of my favorite aspects of the Morning Sidekick Journal, since it is often easy to take the most memorable events for granted and forget about them. This feature helped me make sure I didn’t do either of those things. I was able to flip through them whenever I needed a little incentive to recall all of the nicest moments in my life since I logged them all in a diary and kept a record of them.

When I got to the part about improving your life, I concluded that one way I could make the next day better was by cleaning up the mess from the previous day. My morning routine the next day consisted of keeping things as simple as possible.

The diary suggests that you complete chores that are simple to do since it may be discouraging to establish high expectations for yourself and it may prevent you from achieving your goals on subsequent days. I made up my mind that the next morning, in addition to eating something for breakfast, reading a few pages of a book, doing the dishes, and stretching a little bit, I would make sure to drink a lot of water.

The next morning, I was able to breeze through each of those responsibilities in the same amount of time that I would normally waste being slothful. I wasn’t sure what to anticipate, but I found that this really increased my levels of energy and made me more productive for the remainder of the day.

I wanted to keep my winning streak continuing, so the next day I gave myself a similar list of distractions to steer clear of and tasks to do, and once again, I was successful in completing all I had planned to do. I also bought into the notion that if I could get the activity I despised doing the most out of the way first thing in the morning, the rest of my day would be a breeze in comparison.

Morning Sidekick Journal Results Week By Week for Successful Productivity

Morning Sidekick Journal Results After the First Week (Phase 1)

By the time the first week was up, I had developed a number of rather positive routines. I was drinking more water, sticking to the complete, multi-step face-washing regimen even on days when I didn’t feel like it, and doing one more morning errand related to housework on a daily basis.

After just a few days, my house looked like it had been professionally cleaned, and I was also able to do more throughout the day.

Having solid objectives provided me that additional push when I was feeling sluggish and not particularly ready to take on the day so that I could still get things done despite my lack of readiness. When I simply didn’t have it in me, I had to learn to accept the fact that one mistake wasn’t a failure because success is not about not making mistakes. Success is all about changing habits and doing it in mini steps. I had to learn this lesson the hard way.

Morning Sidekick Journal Results After 4 Weeks (Phase 2)

After four weeks, there was another portion in the book that asked me to go through the most critical components of having a productive morning and day, and how quitting these routines would adversely influence me. This piece was included in the book’s conclusion. I was still going strong, and keeping these ideas in mind helped me continue going strong for an even longer period of time.

It might seem that this is the length of time required to create a basic habit. Nevertheless, the diary should be kept for more than two full months in order for you to properly cement those positive habits and hardwire them into your brain.

Morning Sidekick Journal Results After 8 Weeks (Phase 3)

I also have to confess that I completely disregarded one of the fundamental principles that underpin Morning Sidekick Journal. The concept behind this is that if you force yourself to get up earlier in the morning, you can make your mornings even more productive for yourself. Because of this, I have a hard time going to sleep on time, and waking up earlier wouldn’t help the situation. It would only leave me feeling weary and reduce my productivity for the remainder of the day. I was able to bypass this stage and still get value from the information included in the book.

Final Analysis & Breakdown Of The Journaling Process With the Morning Sidekick Journal

The morning journaling process is all about being consistent with your daily writing.  It is important to write down your items daily in a conscious and interactive process which also depends on your goals that you are setting for yourself in the beginning. You need to be dealing with your own inner self on a highly conscious and honest level.

Once you are done with the writing part the rest of the process is all about practice because you need to change the little things in your life in order to change your habits in order to achieve your goals.

It is not the fact that you are not successful because you make mistakes. Success is not about not making failures. Success is all about changing your habits and being consistent with the whole process.

Once you master this whole process you become successful with one thing at a time because you have changed your habits and this is how you will be able to change all aspects of your life from failure into success by accepting failure and by adapting new habits into your life.

This whole process is also called perseverance and if you master the art of changing habits you become a master of perseverance and a master of success which is going to transcendent into every aspect of your life.

Conclusion: My Personal Thoughts & Why Everyone Should Start Using the Morning Sidekick Journal

As the conclusion of my 8 weeks journey with the diary approached, I found that it was more difficult for me to keep up with it. In spite of the fact that I adhered to my morning routine and continued to do some constructive cleaning, I was failing to keep track of my progress.

However, even when I wasn’t actively utilizing the diary, I was able to retain the information that I had gleaned from it. Even though I haven’t completed all of it yet, I have high hopes that it will continue.

It’s possible that the Morning Sidekick Journal is just what you’re looking for if you’re searching for a personal trainer in the shape of a journal.

In itself the journal is revolutionary because I have spent most of my adult life trying to enhance and improve the quality of every aspect of my life and this journal created a unique shift that made it work at least to some point.

The pressure was off to be perfect immediately because I understand now that success is not about not making mistakes, but all about changing habits.

It also encouraged continuous improvement incorporating tools from authors that are experts in their fields.

I admit, I expected miracle results and I jumped in too fast and that it was not until after week 6, but when I reached out to customer service and Mikey got back to me he cleared up all my confusions.

That customer support help was something that I have never experienced from any other self development journal publisher.

You can make the book your own and follow the process because there it is a very methodical process that can change your habits and everything you set your goal towards.

It encourages you to quit making excuses for your own lethargy and really carry out the things you have planned by giving you the tools to create your own objectives and keeping you responsible for achieving them.

Even though I didn’t keep up with the diary beyond two months, I did pay attention to what it had to teach me, and I was able to mold it to fit what I need from it at that point in my life.

I found it to be such a powerful source of encouragement and almost magical. I say almost because there is work involved.

I am even considering starting a second and third diary in order to keep it very focused to one theme at at time.

I would then continue using my first one for my personal successful habits in my private life and use my second one to record all my most wonderful moments and souvenirs of my private life and my third one for all my work related successful habits, and so on.

I think keeping each journal very focused to one aspect or theme of one’s personal and business life would be the perfect use of this type of journal.

Additionally, I owe the tidy state of my home to the diary because it helped me tremendously with my daily cleaning chores and my daily cleaning routine because it got me into the habit of living a clean & clutter free lifestyle.

Where To Buy The Morning Sidekick Journal, Prize Info & What You Get

Morning Sidekick Journal

This morning routine habit tracker journal will provide you with the fuel you need to understand your why, the science behind morning routines, and will provide you with all of the information and motivation you need to build a morning routine that works for YOU, regardless of what time you wake up or how your days are structured.

This morning habit tracker diary has daily content that is immediately applicable and may be used by the reader. It begins with an introduction that is more than 30 pages long and explores the science behind morning rituals as well as their many advantages.

On a daily basis you will receive a piece of practical and useful content such as pro tips, daily challenges, affirmations, recommendations for videos & podcasts to watch and immediately apply what you learned.

You will also get one piece of information per day, in addition to a dynamic monitoring page that will allow you to monitor your optimum sleep time, wake up time, and morning routine.

You will also receive Bonus Reflection Questions which will assist you in thinking about different aspects of your life and how you can use your mornings to improve your life so that you don’t become desensitized unlike it happens in other journals because the tracking changes on a daily basis and there are always new prompts and reflections available to you which makes this journal so different and unique.


Morning Sidekick Journal

Morning Sidekick Journal

If you’re looking for a personal trainer in the format of a journal, the Morning Sidekick Journal is exactly what you are looking for. The actual prize of $33.90 is a small prize in comparison of what you are gaining from it. It is an investment in yourself which is entirely worth spending because it provides you with an overhaul of your mornings.

And if you want to increase the habits in all aspects of your life check out the full range of life changing guided journals from habit nest below.

Morning Sidekick Journal

Further Reading About Successful Habits & Productivity

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