DIY Plant Terrariums Side Hustle: Earn Profits With Your Miniature Gardens Passion

DIY Plant Terrariums Side Hustle

Who Should Read This?

This article is perfect for you if you have a passion for plants and a creative itch. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a curious beginner, a  DIY plant terrariums side hustle offers a unique and low-maintenance way to turn your hobby into a profitable side income. This guide explores everything from the materials you’ll need to the time commitment involved, giving you a realistic idea of what it takes to launch and maintain your own terrarium side business. So, if you’re looking for a fun and fulfilling way to tap into your green thumb and entrepreneurial spirit, this article is a must-read.


Ever thought about turning your love for plants into a fun and profitable side hustle? DIY plant terrariums could be the perfect way to combine creativity with entrepreneurship. These miniature gardens are not only beautiful but also low-maintenance, making them a hit among busy plant enthusiasts.

With a few simple supplies and a bit of imagination, anyone can create stunning terrariums that people will love to buy. Plus, the growing trend of indoor gardening means there’s a thriving market ready for your unique designs. Ready to dig in and start your green-thumbed venture? Let’s explore how you can turn this hobby into a rewarding side gig.

Features of DIY Plant Terrariums

DIY plant terrariums offer several appealing features for those interested in turning their hobby into a profitable side hustle. These features include the necessary materials, various design options, and the time commitment involved.

Materials Needed

Creating DIY plant terrariums requires a few basic materials that are easily accessible. Key items include:

  • Glass Containers: From jars to fishbowls, any clear glass container can serve as the vessel for your terrarium.
  • Plants: Small, low-maintenance plants like succulents, ferns, and air plants are ideal.
  • Soil and Substrate: Specialized terrarium soil or a mix of sand, charcoal, and potting soil helps create a suitable environment for plants.
  • Decorative Elements: Moss, pebbles, figurines, and other decorative items can enhance the aesthetic appeal.
  • Tools: Small gardening tools or even simple kitchen utensils can be sufficient for arranging plants and soil.

Design Options

The possibilities for terrarium designs are almost endless, catering to various aesthetic preferences and customer demands. Some popular design options include:

  • Closed Terrariums: These are sealed environments that create high humidity, ideal for moisture-loving plants like ferns and moss.
  • Open Terrariums: Best suited for succulents and cacti, open terrariums do not have a lid, allowing for better airflow.
  • Themed Terrariums: Creators can design terrariums with specific themes, such as fairy gardens, desert landscapes, or miniature forests.
  • Customizable Terrariums: Offering custom designs based on customer requests can add a personal touch and increase the product’s appeal.

Time Commitment

The time required to create DIY plant terrariums can vary based on the complexity of the design and the creator’s experience level. Generally:

  • Simple Designs: Basic terrariums with minimal decoration and plant varieties can take about 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Complex Designs: More intricate terrariums with multiple plants, themed decorations, and detailed arrangements may take several hours.
  • Maintenance: Once created, terrariums typically require low maintenance, with occasional watering and pruning needed, making them a manageable side hustle.

By understanding these features, aspiring entrepreneurs can better prepare themselves for the rewarding task of crafting and selling DIY plant terrariums.

Advantages of a DIY Plant Terrariums Side Hustle

Exploring the benefits of starting a DIY plant terrariums side hustle reveals why this venture is appealing for many entrepreneurs. From cost efficiency to creative freedom, this side hustle boasts several advantages.


One of the most significant advantages of a DIY plant terrariums side hustle is its cost-effectiveness. Initial setup costs are relatively low compared to other business ventures. Basic materials like glass containers, soil, plants, and decorative elements are affordable and often available at local garden centers or craft stores. Additionally, because terrariums are small, they require fewer supplies than larger gardening projects. This low financial barrier to entry makes it accessible for those on a tight budget.

Flexibility and Creativity

DIY plant terrariums offer immense flexibility and creative freedom. Entrepreneurs can experiment with different designs, from minimalist open terrariums to lush, tropical closed ones. The ability to tailor each terrarium to individual customer preferences allows for a personalized touch that can set a business apart. Moreover, creating terrariums can be done at any time, making it an ideal side hustle for those with irregular schedules. This flexibility means that anyone can fit it into their lifestyle without disrupting their primary job.

Sustainability and Appeal

Sustainability is another critical advantage. Many customers today are environmentally conscious and seek out eco-friendly products. Terrariums made from recycled glass containers or locally sourced plants tap into this growing market. Furthermore, terrariums are low maintenance and can thrive with minimal water and care, appealing to busy individuals or those without a green thumb. This combination of sustainability and ease of care increases the appeal to a wide range of potential customers, making it easier to market and sell these miniature gardens.

Disadvantages of a DIY Plant Terrariums Side Hustle

While starting a DIY plant terrariums side hustle has its perks, there are certain challenges and drawbacks to consider.

Initial Investment

Despite the generally low-cost nature of DIY plant terrariums, there is still an initial investment involved. Purchasing high-quality glass containers, specific plants, soil, and decorative elements can add up quickly. For those on a tight budget, the upfront costs may feel overwhelming. Furthermore, beginner entrepreneurs might need to invest in marketing materials or a small e-commerce website, adding to the initial expenses.

Time Management Challenges

Balancing a side hustle with other responsibilities can be tricky. Creating plant terrariums, although enjoyable, is time-intensive. Each terrarium requires careful assembly, attention to detail, and regular maintenance to ensure the plants thrive. If you have a full-time job or other commitments, finding the time to manage orders, create products, and handle customer service can be challenging. Additionally, fluctuating demand may lead to periods where the side hustle feels overwhelming.

Market Saturation Potential

The popularity of DIY plant terrariums has been rising, which means increased competition. With many people entering the market, standing out can be difficult. Differentiating your terrariums from others involves not just creative designs but also effective marketing strategies. In saturated markets, pricing competition can also be fierce, potentially affecting your profit margins and making it harder to sustain your side hustle in the long term.

User Experience

When considering a DIY plant terrarium side hustle, user experience plays a crucial role in whether this business is a joy or a hassle. Understanding how easy it is to assemble these mini-gardens and the maintenance they require can help you decide if this side hustle is right for you.

Ease of Assembly

One of the main attractions of DIY plant terrariums is their relatively simple assembly process. Most terrariums require basic materials such as a glass container, potting soil, charcoal, and a variety of small plants or moss. Because there’s no need for complex tools or intensive skills, even beginners can create beautiful and functional terrariums. Users typically find online tutorials and guides to be very helpful, breaking down the steps into bite-size, manageable tasks. However, the ease of assembly can vary depending on the complexity of the design. Simpler terrariums with just a few layers can be assembled in less than an hour, while more intricate designs that include multiple plants and decorative elements may take longer.

Maintenance Requirements

Terrariums are generally low-maintenance compared to traditional houseplants, making them an appealing option for busy individuals. Most closed terrariums create their own micro-environment, reducing the need for frequent watering. They usually only need attention every few weeks to ensure the environment inside the container stays balanced. This involves minimal tasks such as checking for mold, ensuring adequate light, and occasionally misting or watering the plants. For open terrariums, the maintenance is slightly higher as they lose moisture faster and may require weekly watering. Despite this, the time commitment is still much lower than that of more demanding plants, making it feasible for someone juggling a side hustle along with other responsibilities.

By understanding the ease of assembly and minimal maintenance requirements, aspiring entrepreneurs can better gauge if the DIY plant terrarium business aligns with their time and effort capacities.

Performance and Market Response

The DIY plant terrarium side hustle has seen a varied performance in the market. The uptick in indoor gardening trends has bolstered this niche. Many entrepreneurs find the business both creatively fulfilling and financially rewarding.

Sales Channels

DIY plant terrariums have a myriad of sales channels. Online platforms like Etsy, Amazon Handmade, and personal e-commerce websites are popular among sellers due to their wide reach and convenience. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook Marketplace also play a crucial role, as their visual nature aligns well with showcasing the aesthetic appeal of terrariums. Offline opportunities exist, too, such as local craft fairs, farmers markets, and even partnerships with local boutiques and plant shops. These multiple channels offer flexibility and allow sellers to reach diverse customers.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback for DIY plant terrariums has been largely positive. Buyers appreciate the unique and personalized touch that comes with handcrafted pieces. Comments often highlight the beauty and low maintenance of terrariums, which make them perfect for busy lifestyles. Some customers enjoy the therapeutic process of creating their own terrarium kits. However, there’s occasional feedback about the fragility of glass containers during shipping, emphasizing the need for careful packaging. Overall, the product is received well, with many repeat buyers and word-of-mouth recommendations driving sales.

Testing and Hands-on Experience

Testing the DIY plant terrarium side hustle firsthand can provide valuable insights into its feasibility and enjoyment. Here are some experiences and findings from building various terrarium models and selling them at local markets.

Building Different Terrarium Models

Creating different terrarium models can be both fun and rewarding. Various container shapes and sizes like glass globes, mason jars, and geometric terrariums add versatility. They experimented with open and closed systems, noticing that open terrariums are easier for novices because they require less maintenance. Closed terrariums create a self-sustaining ecosystem but need more precise control over humidity and light.

The choice of plants is crucial. Succulents and air plants are popular for their hardiness and low care requirements, making them ideal for beginners. On the other hand, ferns and mosses require more consistent moisture levels, suitable for more experienced enthusiasts. Adding personal touches like miniature figurines or decorative stones enhances the aesthetic appeal and allows for creativity. Overall, building different models has shown that there’s a style for every skill level and customer preference.

Selling at Local Markets

Selling DIY plant terrariums at local markets can offer immediate feedback and engage directly with customers. They found that setting up a visually appealing stall with a variety of terrariums attracted more visitors. Clear signage explaining the care instructions and unique features of each terrarium model helped to inform and reassure potential buyers.

Interacting face-to-face with customers revealed a strong interest in terrariums as gifts and home décor items. Many appreciated the handmade, unique nature of the creations. However logistics like transporting the fragile items require careful planning. They used secure packaging and displayed them strategically to minimize damage.

In summary the hands-on experience of building and selling different terrarium models highlighted the importance of variety, creativity, and customer interaction in this side hustle.

Level Up Your Terrarium Game: Advanced Techniques

As your skills and knowledge grow, you can delve deeper into the world of terrariums by exploring advanced techniques that elevate both the aesthetics and functionality of your creations. Here, we explore two key areas to consider:

Open Terrariums vs. Closed Terrariums

Not all terrariums are created equal! Understanding the differences between open and closed terrariums allows you to cater to a wider range of plant preferences and customer desires:

  • Open Terrariums: These terrariums lack a lid, allowing for greater air circulation. They are ideal for drought-tolerant plants like succulents and cacti, which thrive in drier environments. Open terrariums typically require more frequent watering than their closed counterparts.
  • Closed Terrariums: Enclosed by a lid, these terrariums create a self-sustaining mini-ecosystem with high humidity levels. They are perfect for moisture-loving plants like ferns and mosses. Closed terrariums require minimal watering as the moisture condenses and circulates within the container.

The Art of Layering

The way you layer the elements within your terrarium plays a crucial role in its aesthetics and functionality. Mastering layering techniques will ensure proper drainage, promote healthy plant growth, and create visually stunning compositions:

  • Drainage Layer: The bottom layer typically consists of pebbles or gravel to allow excess water to drain away, preventing root rot.
  • Filter Layer: A charcoal layer can be added above the drainage layer to help purify the water and prevent the build-up of toxins.
  • Substrate Layer: This layer provides support and nutrients for the plants. Specialized terrarium soil mixes or a combination of potting mix, sand, and perlite are commonly used.
  • Planting and Decorative Layers: This is where your creativity shines! Arrange your chosen plants and decorative elements like moss, rocks, or miniature figurines to create a visually appealing and balanced composition.

By understanding these advanced techniques, you can create terrariums that are not only beautiful but also thrive for years to come.

Alternatives to DIY Plant Terrariums

For those interested in exploring plant-related ventures besides DIY plant terrariums, there are several engaging alternatives to consider.

Kit-Based Terrariums

Kit-based terrariums offer a ready-made option for customers who want the beauty of a terrarium without the effort of assembling one. These kits typically include all necessary components such as a glass container, soil, plants, and decorative elements. This alternative can attract customers who prefer convenience and simplicity. It also allows sellers to streamline their production process by prepping kits in bulk. Kits might appeal to gift buyers or beginner gardeners looking for an easy introduction to terrarium care. Sellers should ensure high-quality materials and clear, easy-to-follow instructions to enhance customer satisfaction.

Virtual Plant Arrangement Workshops

Virtual plant arrangement workshops present an innovative approach to connecting with plant enthusiasts. These workshops can be conducted via online platforms, allowing participants to join from anywhere. They cater to those interested in learning how to create beautiful plant arrangements from the comfort of their home. This alternative is particularly suitable during times when physical gatherings are limited. Sellers can offer these sessions as live interactive classes or recorded tutorials. They can also include optional material kits for participants to purchase. This format encourages community building and offers an educational experience, which can lead to repeat customers and word-of-mouth referrals.

Cultivating Customers: Marketing and Sales Strategies

Building a thriving DIY terrarium side hustle requires not only crafting beautiful terrariums but also effectively reaching your target audience. Here, we explore key marketing and sales strategies to get your creations noticed and turn potential customers into loyal fans.

Harnessing the Power of Online Marketplaces

The digital world offers a vast marketplace for showcasing your terrariums. Popular platforms like Etsy, Amazon Handmade, or independent e-commerce websites allow you to reach a broad audience of online shoppers. Optimizing your listings with clear descriptions, high-quality photos from different angles, and relevant keywords will increase discoverability. Consider offering variations in size, style, and plant types to cater to diverse preferences.

Blooming on Social Media

Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are perfect for visually appealing products like terrariums. Share captivating photos and videos showcasing the beauty and diversity of your creations. Utilize relevant hashtags to connect with plant enthusiasts and potential customers actively searching for these unique miniature gardens. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and questions, and consider running social media contests or giveaways to generate excitement and brand awareness.

Startup Costs: A Realistic Budget

While the article emphasizes the affordability of DIY terrariums, starting any business venture requires some upfront investment. To give you a clearer picture of the financial commitment involved, let’s break down the typical startup costs for a DIY plant terrarium side hustle:

Essential Supplies

  • Glass Containers: Costs can vary greatly depending on size, shape, and quality. Recycled jars or simple terrariums can be found for $5-$10, while unique geometric terrariums or large globes can range from $20-$50.
  • Planting Materials: A bag of potting mix suitable for terrariums typically costs $5-$10. You might also need additional elements like activated charcoal for drainage (around $5).
  • Plants: Small, low-maintenance plants like succulents or air plants often come in packs of several for $5-$10. However, rarer or more mature plants can cost more.
  • Decorative Elements: Simple accents like pebbles or moss can be found for $2-$5, while miniature figurines or specialty colored sand can add up to $10 or more.

By being resourceful and starting with basic materials, you can keep your initial investment in the $50-$100 range.

Additional Considerations

  • Bulk Purchases: As your business grows, buying terrarium supplies in bulk can lead to significant cost savings. However, this requires upfront investment and storage space.
  • Marketing and Branding: While not essential initially, creating a logo, business cards, or flyers can add a professional touch and might cost $20-$50. Setting up a website can be more expensive but offers broader reach.

By carefully considering your needs and budget, you can start your DIY plant terrarium side hustle without breaking the bank. Remember, you can always reinvest profits into upgrading your materials or marketing efforts as your business flourishes.

Legal Considerations: Starting on the Right Foot

The article briefly mentions the ease of starting a DIY plant terrarium side hustle, but it’s important to be aware of any legal requirements or regulations that might apply to your business. Here’s a quick overview to get you started:

Selling Online

  • Business Permits and Licenses: Depending on your location, you might need a business license to operate online. Check with your local authorities or state government websites for specific regulations.
  • Taxes: In most cases, income generated from your side hustle will be subject to self-employment taxes. Familiarize yourself with tax filing requirements for your area.

Selling at Local Markets

  • Vendor Permits: Most craft fairs, farmers markets, or flea markets require vendors to obtain a permit. Fees can vary depending on the location and duration of the event.
  • Sales Tax: You might be responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax on your products. Research sales tax regulations in your area to ensure compliance.

General Safety: In some cases, there might be regulations regarding the types of plants or materials you can sell in terrariums. It’s always a good practice to double-check relevant safety standards, especially if you plan to use any items that could be harmful if broken or ingested.

Remember, these are just general pointers. Legal requirements can vary by location. It’s advisable to research and understand the specific regulations applicable to your area before starting your side hustle. Many local governments and business development centers offer free resources and guidance for entrepreneurs. You can also consult with a lawyer specializing in small business law for more specific advice.

Success Stories: Inspiration from Thriving Terrarium Businesses

While this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to launch your terrarium side hustle, real-world examples can offer valuable inspiration. Here are a few brief stories of successful terrarium entrepreneurs:

From Etsy to Storefront

Many creators start by selling terrariums online through platforms like Etsy. One such entrepreneur, Sarah Jones, began by offering unique terrarium designs on Etsy. Her terrariums gained a loyal following, allowing her to expand into a brick-and-mortar storefront where she conducts workshops and offers a wider range of terrarium products.

Community Focus

Terrarium businesses can thrive by fostering a sense of community. David Lee, another successful terrarium entrepreneur, found that hosting plant care workshops and terrarium-building classes not only boosted sales but also created a network of loyal customers who shared their positive experiences.

Social Media Savvy

In today’s digital age, social media is a powerful tool. Jane Williams leveraged the visual appeal of terrariums by creating captivating Instagram content. Her engaging posts showcasing her terrarium creations and care tips led to a surge in online sales and collaborations with plant influencers.

These are just a few examples of how individuals are turning their passion for terrariums into thriving side hustles. With dedication, creativity, and the knowledge you’ve gained from this guide, you too can cultivate a successful and rewarding terrarium business.

Building a Lasting Legacy: Strategies for Long-Term Sustainability

The success of your DIY terrarium side hustle goes beyond just initial sales. Developing practices that ensure long-term sustainability will keep your business thriving and environmentally conscious. Here are two key strategies to consider:

Sourcing with Sustainability in Mind

Finding high-quality materials for your terrariums doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment. Here are some tips for sourcing sustainably while keeping costs manageable:

  • Repurposed and Recycled Containers: Get creative! Look for unique glass containers at thrift stores, flea markets, or online marketplaces. Repurposing vintage jars or bottles adds a touch of charm and reduces waste.
  • Local and Sustainable Plant Suppliers: Support local nurseries or plant shops that offer a variety of terrarium-friendly plants grown using sustainable practices.
  • Eco-Friendly Materials: Opt for natural and biodegradable decorative elements like moss collected ethically, recycled glass pebbles, or driftwood.

These choices not only benefit the environment but can also resonate with customers who appreciate conscious consumerism.

Inventory Management for Smooth Sailing

As your side hustle grows, managing inventory effectively becomes crucial. Here are some tips to avoid overstocking or running out of popular items:

  • Track Sales Data: Keep a record of which terrarium styles and plant combinations sell best. This data will help you forecast future demand and adjust your inventory accordingly.
  • Staggered Ordering: Instead of placing one large order for supplies, consider smaller, staggered purchases to avoid overstocking, especially for seasonal or less popular items.
  • Pre-Order Options: For high-demand terrariums, consider offering pre-orders to gauge customer interest and ensure you have enough supplies on hand to fulfill orders.

By implementing these strategies, you can maintain a healthy inventory flow, minimize waste, and ensure you always have the materials needed to meet your customers’ needs. This contributes to a sustainable and successful long-term business model.


Embarking on a DIY plant terrarium side hustle offers a blend of creativity and financial opportunity. With their unique appeal and low maintenance, terrariums attract a broad customer base. While initial investment and market competition are challenges, the rewards can be substantial. Sellers can leverage various sales channels, both online and offline, to reach a diverse audience.

Positive customer feedback highlights the personalized touch and ease of care, though packaging for shipping needs careful attention. Exploring alternatives like kit-based terrariums and virtual workshops can further expand business horizons. These options cater to different preferences and foster community engagement, paving the way for growth and customer satisfaction.

For those passionate about plants and creativity, turning this hobby into a side hustle could be a fulfilling and profitable venture.